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  • $325.8MActive Investments
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Register Account

Register on the site, this process will take you no more than 1 minute, we do not disclose personal information of our investors, we value people with whom we work. Our platform is as secure as possible, you can be sure about your personal data.

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  • SSL 2step Encrypted
  • Wallets protect

Make a new Investment

After exploring your account and checking out the investment portfolio, the next thing would be to make an investment. Go to the deposit section of your account to be able to make a deposit using Bitcoin (min. 0.001₿).

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Request a Withdrawal

Hash Digits offers instant withdrawals for all requested withdrawals (min. 0.0005 USD).

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  • Receive Bitcoins Instantly!

Share Hash Digits using our Affiliate Program

After discovering our amazing investment platform and withdrawing your earnings, we invite you to become one of our team to earn even more money. We have a special program for it referred to as the affiliate program.

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